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Guest post: 4 steps to an About Me page that sizzles

Our guest blogger today, Andrew Wise, is a serial entrepreneur whose sites generate $1+ million in revenue and receive 2.6+ million uniques per year. On his Wise Startup blog, he shares actionable advice on how you can build massive, passive income streams, designed for the complete newbie. Follow him on Twitter @WiseStartupBlog.

Guest post: 4 steps to an About Me page that sizzles

By Andrew Wise

Blogging isn’t easy. We are constantly being pulled in a million different directions, so it’s not uncommon for one task to take precedence over another. In our haste to get out blog posts out, we often neglect the little things . . . like the importance of a well written “About Me” page for an author.

Believe it or not, the About Me page on any given site is usually somewhere in the top ten most visited pages. It makes sense, too, when you consider that nearly 80 percent of daily blog visits are from new visitors. They want to trust that the person they are getting their information from is reliable, and the About Me page is the place where they find that out.

If your About page lacks content, hasn’t been updated in some time, or doesn’t exist at all, you’re making a huge mistake. Fortunately, there are some easy ways go to about fixing that, whether you write fiction or nonfiction. Here are four tips that will help you transform your About Me page. (Note: To see the infographic better, click on it, then click on the image on the new page a second time to enlarge it.)

about me page 3
Click on the infographic to get a larger version.

1. Prove yourself to be an authority in your industry.

Why should someone turn to you for information and what makes you more trustworthy than the next guy with a website? Simultaneously build your brand and prove that you know your stuff by adding reader testimonials or subscriber counts to your page.

2. Show your personality.

An About Me page may be a visitor’s first look into who you are and how you write. Try to sound like you’re engaging them in conversation as opposed to regurgitating textbook jargon at them. Be polite, be positive, and be friendly. Having an approachable, conversational tone in your writing really does go a long way.

3. Add a picture.

Time is precious and no one enjoys reading giant blocks of text, no matter how important the information may be. Adding a high quality picture to break things up a bit may help a lot. Humans are visual creatures and visual creatures are stimulated by pictures. For an author About page, you want to include photos of yourself.

4. Conclude properly.

A great college professor once told me that you should always finish a presentation by asking if anyone in the audience has any comments or questions. You should end your About Me page in a similar manner. Whether it’s offering the reader a simple way to join your weekly newsletter list or simply suggesting comments and opinions either via a comment box or your email, make sure you’re giving them an outlet to express themselves.

What’s the first thing you will do right now to improve your “About Me” page?

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To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page (https://www.gravityforms.com/the-8-best-email-plugins-for-wordpress-in-2020/). Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.


  1. What a helpful post! It’s started me thinking about how to redesign my “Who Is?” page, since some of my “authority” content is buried elsewhere. Inspired a blog post on my own site, too. See it at http://wp.me/p2NkiT-1q4 Thanks for the inspiration! Always good stuff here.

    1. Great post, Vicki! Thanks for sharing the link to it and for linking back to this one. You have a lot of authority as a mystery writer, so you definitely want to call attention to that on your “Who is?” page.


  2. This is a great article. Concise and full of useful information. I’ve been challenged by what to include in the “about me” section. Time to revise it. Thanks for sharing.

        1. Thanks so much, Patricia! You’ve made me smile on a cold and gray Friday. Happy weekend!


  3. Thanks for posting this enlightening article. My About Me page was fairly spot on except for interacting. I had been wondering how to ask for theme suggestions so that I can write what people are interested in reading. Andrew Wise’s suggestion in “Conclude Properly” is so simple.
    Thanks Sandra for sharing.

    1. How wonderful that you only needed a minor tweak! I’m glad Andrew’s article was helpful. Thanks for the feedback.


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