The great Instagram glow up: Are you shining your absolute brightest?
Not hitting your goals on Instagram? It's probably time for an Instagram glow up! IG pro Lara Ferrari walks you through the easy process.

I met Lara Ferrari, the founder of Lemon Friday, when we spoke at the same virtual summit recently. I’m always impressed by other speakers at these events, but Lara stood out. So, of course I asked if she’d like to write a guest post for us here!
Lara provides marketing support for authors who’d rather be writing. As an Instagram specialist, she has personally helped more than 100 authors grow engaged communities of readers online. Lara’s tips, tools, and templates are designed to simplify and streamline your book marketing so you can build book buzz online without sacrificing precious writing time. As gifts are her love language, she would like to give you a free copy of her 10-step Glow Up Your Instagram guide for authors! (I downloaded it as soon as I learned about it and I’m already working with it. Grab your copy!)
The great Instagram glow up: Are you shining your absolute brightest?
By Lara Ferrari
Glow up /ɡloʊ ʌp/
(Also known as glow-up or glo up or glo-up)
Significant and positive changes made over time, resulting in an eventual version that’s better in every way.
Example sentence: “After finding her purpose, embracing her individuality, and getting seriously strategic about connecting with the right readers, her author Instagram account experienced a remarkable glow up, attracting a wave of new and engaged followers.”
Synonyms: transformation, evolution, elevation, blossoming, maturation
More than a makeover
Don’t confuse a glow up with a makeover.
Unlike a makeover, a glow-up is not about miraculously changing your Instagram account into something (or someone) else. It’s not forced, it is not immediate, and it’s definitely not surface level.
An Instagram glow up is a gentler, more gradual, more genuine approach to improving your social media presence. Because it’s based on embracing and showcasing your unique brand of magic, the result is a transformation that’s not only long-lasting, but has a deep and meaningful impact on you and your readers.
After your glow up, not only will you attract more readers, but more of the right readers will immediately recognize you as their perfect match.
If this resonates with you and your author account, let’s dive into the 10 steps to achieve your Instagram glow up.
Unlike a makeover, a glow-up is not about miraculously changing your Instagram account into something (or someone) else. It’s not forced, it is not immediate, and it’s definitely not surface level.Click to tweetHow to tell if your account is overdue for a glow up
First, let’s play a quick and easy game.
I’m going to give you a list of 10 statements and if any of them are true about your author account, you’re going to give yourself a point. At the end, we’ll add up your points and find out whether your author Instagram account could benefit from a glow up.
- Your profile picture is not a clear and close-up shot of your lovely face.
- Your username is hard to read or not obviously connected to writing.
- Your “name field” is not being used or does not include words your ideal reader is searching for.
- Your bio doesn’t make it clear what readers can expect from your account or give them an incentive to stick around.
- You’re not entirely sure who you’re trying to attract… or what your main goal is.
- You’re hiding your real self.
- Your “aesthetic” feels messy, haphazard, non-existent, or just doesn’t match the style of your book.
- You’re posting captions with zero strategy or end goal.
- You aren’t using the Instagram “highlights” feature effectively.
- Your own feed (the home page) doesn’t inspire you.
Now for your results…
If you scored 0 points:
Congratulations! Your Instagram is perfection – don’t you dare change a thing.
If you scored 1–2 points:
Very impressive. You’re basically an Instagram expert.
If you scored 3–10 points:
Welcome to the club! You are perfectly primed for an Instagram Glow Up. Read on.
How to get your Instagram account glowing
Think of your Instagram glow up as steadily turning up the dimmer switch, getting brighter and brighter until eventually you shine a light so bright and distinctive that your ideal readers will be dazzled as they’re drawn to you!
This means standing out for all the right reasons and it’s where those 10 steps I mentioned come in.
No more hiding!
First of all, no more hiding behind profile pictures of books, or usernames and bios that don’t proudly proclaim your purpose as a writer or your true value to your readers. Standing out for the right reasons means creating a space your ideal readers want to hang out in.
In other words…
- Personalize your profile picture with a clear headshot because this creates a sense of familiarity and trust.
- Pick a memorable username that makes it clear you are a writer.
- Craft a bio that appeals directly to your ideal readers and lets them know what they can expect.
- Choose a visual style that fits with the overall “vibe” you want for your account.
- Create “highlights” that showcase your top Stories, neatly organized into collections so it’s easy for your readers to quickly find key info about you and your books.
These five steps are an excellent start to feeling glowy!
Create deeper connections
But we’re not going to stop there. Remember: a glow up goes beyond appearances and creates a deeper connection.
In other words…
- Get super clear on “who your audience is” and “what your purpose is” so that every post, Story or Reel speaks to the right readers and gets you closer to your goals.
- Embrace your individuality and stop hiding those awkward, secret, quirky parts of you, because what makes you different is also what makes you special.
- Choose clear (and strategic) content themes to save you time, help you create engaging posts, and make sure you’re always getting closer to those goals.
- Re-introduce yourself and remind your followers exactly why they follow you by highlighting the value they get from reading and engaging with your posts.
Find sources of inspiration
And finally, you attract more readers, create better content, and generally get more out of showing up on Instagram when you feel inspired, uplifted, and energized.
In other words…
- Cultivate a constant stream of creativity, passion, and expertise by “training” the Instagram algorithm to only show you content you really want to see by engaging with accounts you love – and unfollowing any you don’t!
Get your (free) step-by-step “glow up” guide
If you’re a visual learner or you just want a more detailed breakdown of these 10 steps to an Instagram glow up, you’re going to love my free “Glow Up Your Instagram” guide. This downloadable booklet has helpful examples, practical templates and step-by-step checklists to help you shine brighter and attract more of the right readers.
Where will you start your glow up? What do you think needs the most improvement? Tell us in a comment!
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Thanks to you both for this excellent article. As always, your timing is exquisite. I’ve been toying with the idea of engaging on Instagram while pivoting toward creating courses and workshops. Any pointers for speaker-authors?