Your books won’t sell themselves
Build Book Buzz resources help take the guesswork and mystery out of book marketing, promotion, and publicity.
You want to sell more books. And you know that your book deserves more attention than it’s getting. But if you’re like many authors, you’re confused about where to begin and what to do. After all, you’re a writer, not a marketing whiz. I can help you find your way through the book marketing maze so you put your time and effort into what’s best for your book, not anyone else’s.
“I just wanted to say thank you for all of your resources. I think the materials you provide are truly some of the most useful and informative resources available for authors.”
Diane Windsor

Enter your name and e-mail address and I’ll send you my free (and surprising!) list of the Top 5 Free Book Promotion Resources that you can use immediately to jump-start your book marketing campaign.

I’m Sandra Beckwith, a veteran author, writer, and national award-winning former publicist.
I teach authors like you how to reach more readers through the free how-to articles here — they’re why this site has been recognized seven times for book marketing excellence.
I also offer training programs that take the mystery out of key book marketing tactics and offer one-on-one coaching that helps you get over, under, or around book marketing and sales roadblocks or obstacles. Rather than offer book marketing services, I help you discover how to do it yourself.
You’ll find a wealth of free information here in articles on a wide range of book marketing topics for both fiction and nonfiction authors.

An award-winning blog for authors leveling up their marketing game
Whether a major publisher has bought your book or you’re self-publishing, you are personally responsible for marketing your book.
That’s why I share free marketing lessons every week in my Build Book Buzz blog. Browse the latest entries below.

How Sandra can help
The Build Book Buzz Blog and Newsletter
The free and powerful Build Book Buzz newsletter helps thousands of authors. Likewise, the Build Book Buzz blog provides “here’s how to do it” information you can use immediately to reach more readers and sell more books.
Coaching and Speaking
Book marketing coach Sandra Beckwith works with authors one-on-one by telephone. Sandra’s telephone coaching focuses on your unique situation so you get exactly what you need.
Training and Guides
Check out our affordable e-books and audio programs on specific book promotion topics, plus our comprehensive online courses.
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