Being a cheerleader for others helps you promote your own book
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Be a cheerleader!

I was a high school cheerleader for one memorable year.
I learned about more than clapping, jumping, and how to polish white Keds, though. I discovered the importance of crowd and community support when facing a challenge, too.
That’s probably why I’m still a cheerleader today, although now I’m cheering for authors, not football and basketball players. (And I don’t wear cheerleading briefs dyed green to match my cheer sweater anymore.)
You can do it, authors!
Jami Albright’s recent guest post on her inspiring success as an indie author reminded me of the importance of cheering for other writers.
“I’ve tried to be the best community member that I can be. I cheer people on, I support them, I share their stuff, and I offer help when I can,” she wrote.
As she noted, it’s so important for us to take time away from our own book writing and marketing to support other authors we know, respect, or like.
You can get ideas for how to help in “How to support an author’s book: 26 simple ideas to use now,” but it helps to understand why it’s important to support other authors.
It’s counter-intuitive, but . . .
Perhaps what I’m proposing seems counter-intuitive, especially when you already feel like you don’t have enough time to do what’s needed for your own book.
How will you ever find the time to be a cheerleader for other authors, too?
Let’s focus on the “why” before the “how.” Here’s why it makes sense for you.
5 reasons to cheer on other authors
1. It’s the right thing to do.
It’s better to give than to receive, right?
2. You will learn.
Connecting with other authors will expose you to the tactics and tools they’re using to promote their books.
You could be privy to the “behind the scenes” work that goes into certain types of promotions. That insider information can save you a great deal of time later if you decide to implement one of those tactics.
3. You will create a valuable community.
The authors you start supporting today become the people you can turn to tomorrow when you need a recommendation for a cover designer, an editor, or a proofreader.
And, when you support them, they will repay the favor by supporting you.
4. It’s good training.
When you cheer on other authors, you learn more about what kind of support you will need when it’s your turn.
You’ll have a better understanding of what to ask for and how to ask for it.
5. You will make authors happy.
Imagine how excited you would be if another author tweeted an unexpected, but glowing, review of your new book! Don’t you want to do that for someone else?
It takes so little time
Supporting and helping your writer colleagues can take just a few minutes every day.
There’s so much in this for you that I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to do it.
Convinced it makes sense? Read “How to support an author’s book: 26 simple ideas to use now” to find what works for your style and schedule.
What are you doing already to support other authors?
(Editor’s note: This article was first published in November 2013. It has been updated and expanded.)
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I do book reviews on my blog, offer book announcements as part of a virtual book tour, and I am working on video reviews of books. I talk up the books that I have read on goodreads, and share with friends. I wish I could do more, but I still have to leave time for my own writing!
Heidi, that’s fantastic! Thanks for sharing. You’re doing far more than the average author, and you’re a great role model!
And yet, it feels like so little. I can only do so many reviews a month. That is why I agree with you that all of us need to be doing this kind of stuff to help each other out!
I know it’s hard to find the time, but doing even 1 thing to help someone else can be a big help.
Sandra, I support other authors, primarily through tweets and comments on their blogs but sometimes with book reviews on Amazon as well.
However, I most avidly support authors whose subject matter has some relationship to mine.
I have belonged to groups whose author-members are all over the place in terms of fiction vs. nonfiction and nonfiction specialties. I don’t feel I make much of a contribution—or have much credibility—when their books are in an entirely different area.
Thanks, Diana. I understand completely. I turn down invitations to write cover blurbs for books where I have no connection to the target audience, but I will share info. about or write Amazon “reviews” of books by my friends or books that I’ve read. Regarding books written by people I know, I share info. about them even if they’re books on subjects I’m not interested in because there could be someone in my network who’s interested. I figure that it sure can’t hurt!
I completely support this, and also make a point of re-tweeting anything hashtagged #whodunit as the genre is fading. I review every free book I select for my Kindle on Amazon, and if it was via Smashwords I review there too. There are a few good books, some readable ones, and some which aren’t as good as the sample promised,but a review only takes a few minutes after reading the book, and helps other readers. Nothing more annoying than reading a bad book, and very little as exciting as finding a good one!
You’re generous, Elegsabiff, and I’m sure the authors you support appreciate it. It IS pretty exciting to discover a great book — and it’s fun to share that news, isn’t it?
Thank you!
I do remember this beautifull pair of legs! And this charming smile. Sorry if I’m inconvinient, but It’s quite difficult for a 60 years old gentleman to resist. Carlos
How fun to see you here, Carlos! You knew me when I looked like this — nobody else here can say that!
My family still talks about how much fun we had when you were our Brasilian exchange student, and we STILL miss you!
We offer authors the opportunity to share “the story behind the story” on one of our blogs, and we tweet and share the good news of other authors, especially those who have become virtual friends.
Hope it’s okay to comment on this–the post is dated today, but the other comments are from 5 years ago…are we necro-commenting? LOL!
Thanks, HL. The story behind the story is my favorite part of any story!
As noted at the end of the post, I updated the content from the original publication date. That explains the older comments.
Thanks for all you do to support authors.
An old inspiring article. Funny to stumple upon it after so long.